Cornelia Ebert

Research Interests

I am a formal semanticist with a strong interest in theory building. With my background as a computational linguist, I use corpora as well as experimental methods to build and evaluate my theories. My main topics of interest are:

Private Life & Outreach

09/2018 (scheduled): Talk at Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Berlin Lichtenberg, Langer Nachmittag der Wissenschaften, Wie man mit Gesten Sprachen lernt.

06/2018: Presentation at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Wie man mit Gesten Sprachen lernt. In cooperation with cabuu.

01/2018: Talk for Rotary Club, Leonberg-Weil der Stadt Reden ist Silber, Zeigen ist Gold -- wie Gesten uns beim Sprechen helfen.

I am mother of three children: Silas (*07/2009), Famke (*01/2012) and Clara (*01/2016).

I am founder and president of durcheinander e.V., a non-profit association for the inclusion of (mentally) disabled people.

In 2002, I went on a horse riding tour through France and Spain for four months.

Short CV

full cv (German)

Academic Positions

since 08/2017 Researcher (50%) at Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin
08/2010-07/2017 Researcher and lecturer at the Linguistics Department of the University of Stuttgart
50% Linguistics/German Studies until 09/2014; 10/2014 - 07/2017 additional 50% Linguistics/English Studies
01/2016-12/2016 Parental leave
03/2007-09/2009 Researcher and lecturer at the Cognitive Science Department of the University of Osnabrück
07/2003-02/2007 Part time research assistent in project A2 Quantification and information structure of SFB 632 Information structure. The linguistic means for structuring utterances, sentences and texts, University of Potsdam
04/2001-03/2002 Researcher and lecturer (50%) at the Department of Linguistics/Computational Linguistics of the University of Potsdam


2007 Dr. phil. in Linguistics, University of Potsdam ('summa cum laude')
Thesis Quantificational topics. A scopal treatment of exceptional wide scope phenomena
Supervisors: Peter Staudacher, Manfred Krifka, Ede Zimmermann
2001 Diplom in Computational Linguistics, University of Potsdam ('mit Auszeichnung', with distinction)
Thesis The double scope of quantifier phrases
Supervisor: Peter Staudacher